Explanation Episode 303: The Succubus, where the boys tried to warn chef, but instead met his parents who keep telling about the times they met the Loch Ness Monster who kept on asking for "tree-fiddy" ($3.50).
The original name for Missing Steps Plan was, in fact, " Step Three: Profit."
Phase 1: Collect Underpants, Phase 2: ?, Phase 3: Profit Explanation Episode 217: "Gnomes" often used to mock poorly thought out plans. The quote has been used a few more times in the show's run, and printed on a lot of Cartman merchandise. Cartman becomes a cop to fill in for Officer Barbrady. "Respect mah authori-tah" Explanation Episode 203: "Chickenlover". BEEFCAKE! Explanation Episode 102 "Weight Gain 4000". Kitty when he begged for some of the pot pie That is MAH pot pie." Explanation Cartman yelling at Mr. Hat in Episode 101 as a Big "NO!" response to Kyle's request to go to the bathroom. "You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!" Explanation Said by Mr. "he would not fucking say that" Explanation A phrase from that same screencap, which tends to get used for any instance of a character in fanon creations saying something very out-of-character, particularly canonically bigoted or villainous characters saying something tolerant. The absurdity of seeing Cartman, one of the most bigoted characters on TV, depicted as happily explaining that he'd use any pronouns has amused many and got some thinking as to what Cartman would actually respond with. "I use any pronouns! thank you for asking!" Explanation A rather infamous screencap from a TikTok listing how different characters being asked what their pronouns are. Dey terk yer jerb! Explanation And each subsequent use of it would devolve further into barely-intelligible gibberish consisting of similar-sounding words. They took our jobs! Explanation Season 8's "Goobacks" had this as the rallying cry for those that hated the Future people, as they always undercut the present-day's wages because even a pittance in the present-day would help with their Ridiculous Future Inflation. Sometimes used to mock Asian Speekee Engrish. WELCOME TO SHITTY WOK Explanation Greeting and catch phrase of Asian Store-Owner Tuong Lu Kim of City Wok. "TIM-MAY!" Explanation Most of what Timmy says is his own name.
I'm super! Thanks for asking! Explanation Big Gay Al's catch phrase.Mackey's "m'kay" tic (" Drugs are bad, m'kay?"). BUT MOOOOOOOOM Explanation Usually spelled BET MEEEEEEEM OR BIT MIIIIIIIM, after Cartman's odd accent.Explanation One of Cartman's early catchphrases "Derp" or "herp derp" originally used by Trey Parker and Matt Stone to describe lame, lowbrow comedy (as in the Rob Schneider example), but has evolved on the Internet into a more general response to anything extraordinarily stupid or to statements of the obvious."Oh my God! They killed Kenny!" "You bastards!" Explanation A Running Gag for the first five seasons where Kenny would get killed by something out of the blue, causing Stan and Kyle to react thusly.note If you attribute this meme to a similar meme with a different context, you're gonna have a bad time. If you disregard my meme, you're gonna have a bad time.